Hitman 3


All replays. Every level I did "The Classics" challenge in 1 run. these games are masterpieces on there own, and together one of the best trilogies in gaming
One of the best trilogies in gaming. All were replays for me but they are still just as good as when I first picked them up. To add to the challenge this time, every level I had to complete "The Classics" in one run (Silent Assassin, Suit Only, Sniper Assassin)
When playing as a trilogy, it's one of the greatest game experiences I've had in terms of content quantity and quality in addition to value. 2 > 1 > 3 in terms of how I felt about the maps overall.
On replay, I'm slightly cooler on 3 than I was at first play. I still think it has the most interesting developments of the series. There's something great about how every level is a different genre, riffing on different types of stories, games, and archetypes. The in-mission dialogue is often fantastic. 47 gets some magical moments, sometimes just in speaking, as himself, to ordinary people. Mission stories are also at their best, and even the ones that are peripheral to the most encouraged paths are good. I'm not sure that it's better than 2 overall, but that has more to do with 2 being *so good*. Hitman 1 is an excellent game, too, and was even better on replay. What a great, complete trilogy.
this game, this series, will always hold a special place in my heart.